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You can order the CD of The Swingers, which was released in 2019 here.


Order a regular version of the CD or the signed version with signatures by all the members of the band.


SIGNED VERSION - 20 EUR with shipping included


Exclusive signed version of the CD with all the autographs of the band members (Tanja, Birgit, Mikk, Mihkel, Timo, Indrek, Peep).


Press Buy Now and pay with Paypaliga or open the window "Pay with debit or credit card" and fill in the card details. Please also add your address, where we ship the CD buy regular mail. Signed CD with sending to your address wherever in the world costs 20 EUR.





NON-SIGNED VERSION OF THE CD - 13 EUR with shipping included


Press Buy Now and pay with Paypaliga or open the window "Pay with debit or credit card" and fill in the card details. Please also add your address, where we ship the CD buy regular mail. 


Non signed version with shipping costs is 13 EUR all over the world

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